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Zamphyre is a progressive rock band that was formed in November 2010. It is made up of David Daniel the main vocals and guitar man, Norbert Edward who plays keyboards and is a fully-fledged qualified maestro, Sandro Pace a very versatile bassist and Melchior John, the younger of the band who plays on drums. Their music is quite unique with seventies overtones. Most of the songs have not been released yet and are mainly composed by David Daniel although Norbert does almost all the arranging. Due to other commitments the still unnamed debut album should be released later this year (late 2011) however their first single Princes of Psychedelia has been released on 12th January 2011. This first single is just over 7 minutes long and is already a hit amongst Progressive Rock fans. It tries to bring back old influences of when Prog Rock was at its zenith mixed with some original ideas. Unmistakably however one cannot but be reminded of that era with the eclectic sounds of the Hammond and Mellotron together with the exciting rolls on drums performed by the talented Melchior. In fact even before the electric instrumentation there is a Classical guitar introduction pointing out to the comprehensive use of instruments this band is willing to undertake in their music in the future. Bassist Sandro is an expert musician and had the freedom of improvisation on this single so that, as is true in most Prog Rock tracks, his bass lines are not just felt but heard. Although there will also be ballads performed by the band all in all this single reflects the directional musicality of the band. It was produced at Padded Cell by sound engineer Robert Longo who made a great job and also contributed to the song.
Their song Princes of Psychedelia was featured on the 246th edition of Toni Sant's Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast on 19 February 2011. They disappeared shortly after this are they no longer active as a band.