Walrus and the Carpenter
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Walrus and the Carpenter are a modern folk trio currently residing and evolving in the creative breeding ground of Mullumbimby, N.S.W. The project is the vehicle for the unique song-writing and vocal talents of Matthew Engerer.
Many years of busking around the globe and more recently Australia, has given Matthew an honest, sometimes stark, but ultimately uplifting and refreshing creative perspective.
After having grounded in the Byron shire Matthew has found kindred musical spirits in drummer/percussionist Mat Akehurst, and more recently Kieran Allen on double bass.
The combination of these distinct, yet seemingly symbiotic musical voices, and strength of songwriting, creates a communal and transcendent live music experience for both musician and listener.
After having notched only a few live shows on the headboard, Walrus and the Carpenter have been lucky enough to secure spots on both Splendour in the Grass and Mullum Music festival line-ups for 2013.