Vinny Vella Jr.
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Vinny Vella Jr. born on the 27 July 1959 in the Captial City of Malta, Valletta and was part of a family of renowned musicians. He was encouraged by his father Mro. Vinny Vella Sr. At six years he starts taking piano lessons. And in that way began the career of Vinny Jr. the Pianist and Band Leader.
In Our country we got many good musicians, some of them have their relatives, also musicians, or are derived from a family of musicians. The Music is in their blood. As is the case Vinny Vella Jr. that name is more than simply familiar in the music sine.
Few people knowing, that in 1966 he took part in children famous festival Zecchino D'Oro in Bologna, Italy and record the song with the orchestra of the RAI. Vinny came in classic studies under the protection of Mrs. Bice Vassallo and later, he studied jazz and improvisation with Professor Charles Camilleri.
At the age of Sixteen years Vinny Vella Jr.. was introduced because professional music scene by playing with the orchestra of his father. Before formed his band, Vinny was an accompanying pianist late singer Sonny Monte, and also played with Oscar Lucas, Sammy Murgo, George Curmi, ‘il-Puse’, Vinny Vella Sr. his father Maestro and with Val Valente.
Vinny Vella Jr. also was the resident pianist popolar program of Claudette Pace, ‘Sellili’. But Vinny not only played in Malta. He had several occasions to give exhibitions abroad, mostly inside [London]], Greece, and even in Tripoli, Australia inside the Corintha Bab. Africa, as part of the weekly English. Here he became more broad based strengthens and renews his musical internaninaly.
Vinny Vella Jr also produced a concert of success ‘The Beatles Works’, which is also available on CD was drawn in by St James Cavallier inside Valletta always with a full up house with people who not only did not go to hear the works of inimitable exceptional musical group from Liverpool but to give the support due, to the superb work of Vinny Vella Jr..
This jazzista interpretation of Beatles songs was in contrast to his other project the ‘A Groovy Kind Pop’, which was tribute to, popularis music of the last thirty years. Wherever Vinny Vella Jr. came. with his music, moved the audience, come and hear his working with serious, organized and beautiful this Musician offers contemporary.
Recently with his band was resident in a TV programm show ‘ Min Imissu?!’. Vinny Vella Jr. not often take part with songs in the Malta Song for Europe , he had one in 2006 under the name of ‘Waves’ with words of Ray Tabone, and with a perfectly interpreted by singer Nadine Axisa, but unfortunately was ended in sixteenth place, and precisely in the year 2014 once again returned with another song, of the singer with his band Andreana Debattista with the song 'Now And Forever' lyrics of Karl Spiteri which was with the twenty finalist in the Malta Song for Europe 2014.