Sylvano Mizzi
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Sylvano Mizzi born in New York on the 28 of April 1997. Currently a Medical student at the University of Malta.
Sylvano Mizzi, raised in Għasri, started studying piano and theory at the age of 7. By the age of 12 he started developing an interest in the Saxophone as a secondary instrument and first started out as a band player with the Leone Band in Victoria, Gozo.
Afterwards, he started attending lessons at the School of Music under the tutelage of Mro.Joseph Vella as well as piano lessons under the wing of multiple teachers. After many performances and exposure to different tutors and masterclasses, the opportunity came for Sylvano to join a new and fresh band which was named the Travellers which led to many new and mind-opening experiences up to this day. Sylvano is the saxaphone player with The Travellers.