Shirley Cachia
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Shirley Cachia was born on the 14 of August 1999. She comes from Marsaxlokk. She is a singer/songwriter and used the stagename SHIRLEY and is best known for writing her original music.
Also, she works on creating cool covers / remixes of other artists' songs specializing in Rnb /Soul. Her first original twist was a popular song by Akon - Right Now (Na Na Na) produced by Cyprian Cassar.
SHIRLEY has been singing professionally for 4 years now by taking up vocal tuition at La Voix Studios, led by Gillian Attard.
Also, she has been releasing her original songs for 2 years now in a melodic style that reflects her love for Rnb / Soul music.
She released her first song Begone in 2019 and since then released another two. All of You and Why.
In the near future the artist is going to keep on working on more orignal songs and also has in mind to release her own EP.
Year | Songs | Lyrics | Composer | Video |
2019 | Begone | Shirley Cachia | - | (Click for Video) |
2021 | All Of You | Shirley Cachia | - | (Click for Video) |
2021 | Why | Shirley Cachia | Cyprian Cassar | (Click for Video) |