Shawn Ciantar
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Shawn Ciantar born on 12 June, 1995 lives at Birkirkara. He is a singer.
The first time that Shawn went on stage, was as early as 6 years of age, when he took part in the musical Oliver and interpreted the song Who Will Buy accompanied by a live orchestra and backed by a soprano and a baritone. As he grew up his love for singing expanded and his parents saw his potential and took him to Soprano Ruth Sammut Casengena for voice coaching.
For a while he was coached by the soprano Rosabelle Bianchi at the institute of arts and science in Valletta.
For these past 3 years from 2013 he has been studying with Vocal Coach Maria Abdilla with the technique of Speech Level Singing. This improved his technique in reaching higher notes from his baritone level without any effort. In the meantime Shawn was part of St Mark Choir of Rabat.
Have taken part in various festivals, in which he got very good results, encouraged him to keep on going in this area. In December 2015 he was chosen from a national call to be part of ‘Istrina 2015 ‘as a backing vocalist, where he was accompanied by the orchestra of Mro.Joe Brown. In that event he also sang solo two Maltese songs.
Apart from singing Shawn at present is studying hospitality at the Institute Of Tourism, where he will sitting for the diploma course in Food And Beverage Management.
On the 5 of March 2016, he took part in the Second Edition of the original Maltese song Festival Melodija Maġika 2016 with the song Art Twelidi composed by Mro.Ian Mallia were he placed third in his section.
Shawn is looking forward to this year as he has two more festivals that are very important locally to expand and show his talent in the music sector. He will be interpreting new songs by the composer Chan Vella and writer Paul Ellul.