Shauna Vassallo
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Shauna Vassallo born 12 on August 2000 She is a singer and come from Birżebbuġa.
Started singing at the age of 10 She attends La Voix Academy under the tutalage of Muxu Matthew Mercieca and Gillian Attard.
She took part in various local festivals but the highliht of her career so far was in 2013 when she was chosen to take part in an italian programme Io Canto.
It was an u fogettabnle experience as she made loads of friends sang with a live band Received nimerous feedback from both judges and the Italians, Shauna is studying animal care at Mcast she is totally against animal cruelt infact her first original song was in Maltese called fejn which is against animal cruelty.
In 2016 she released an original song called Are You the One where it reached no 1 in the local charts and we have just been informed that are you the one were actually listed on bring one of the top 10 songs played in 2016 on local radio.
Now Shauna was chosen as one of the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2017 finalists with the song called Crazy Games.