Plan Zero
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Plan Zero or Plan0 was originally formed in 2009 when guitarists Luke and Charlot, after various projects together, wanted to start something new. Joseph, a good friend of both, volunteered his skills as a drummer and the initial trio was formed.
After going through a number of iterations and band names over the years, in 2010 PlanZero was joined by Charlot Baldacchino on bassist duties. This however quickly changed when Charlot decided to switch to his main instruments, the piano and guitar, and James was recruited as bassist instead. All the pieces of the band finally fell into place and old songs started being revisited and re-done with the new PlanZero – even incorporating James on his other instrument, the violin in the new sound.
Due to other commitments James had to quit the band and instead John was recruted as the new bassist. PlanZero has a mix of influences ranging from the 90’s era rock/metal music, 60s/70s rock and the modern rock music of today.
- Luke - Vocals & Guitar
- Charlot - Guitar & Backing Vocals
- John - Bass Guitar
- Charlo (Wusu) - Keyboards/ Acoustic Guitar/ Backing Vocals
- Joseph (Wanese) - Drums