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The Band
Overdrawn is an Alternative Rock band that derives inspiration from well-known groups such as Foo Fighters, Queens of the Stone Age, Audioslave, Weezer and Blur.
Overdrawn was founded by Duncan (drums) and Nigel (vocals & guitar) at the beginning of 2017. Lazar (lead guitar) joined a few weeks after. The current line-up was complete when Matthew (bassist) joined soon after.
About the members:
Duncan Borg is a very experienced percussionist having previously worked with another Maltese band called Infinite Loop and also actively working with Bernie & Pod. He acts as a very solid foundation for the rest of the band.
Nigel Cuschieri had briefly joined the band Infinite Loop with Duncan Borg as a lead guitarist, and after sought to create a band of their own together. The two had quite similar tastes in music and quickly started formulating ideas, and started holding auditions. With the new band Overdrawn Nigel took the role of Rhythm guitarist and vocalist.
Lazar Lazarevic is a very experienced lead guitarist with a metal background, having played for various metal bands in the past.
Matthew Grech was the last piece of the puzzle that finalized our current formulation, taking the role of our bassist. Matthew shows serious skill with the instrument and possesses great overall musical knowledge.