Nomad Son
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Origin: Mellieħa, Malta 2006
Current line-up: Jordan Cutajar (vocals) Chris Grech (guitar) Julian Grech (keyboards) Albert Bell (bass) Edward Magri (drums)
Formed in early 2006, at Mellieħa, a doom metal band Nomad Son brings together the creative forces of Jordan Cutajar (vocals), Chris Grech (guitar), Julian Grech (keyboards), Edward Magri (drums), all members of Frenzy Mono (one of Malta’s most prolific heavy rock bands), and Albert Bell - a veteran of the Maltese metal scene and bassist of Forsaken (established in 1991 and now at the forefront of the European doom scene).
The inception of the band owes much to Temple Studios owner and music production guru David Vella. While Frenzy Mono were recording their debut album “Unorthodox”, David deciphered another, darker and meaner dimension to the band which could be nurtured to develop into a doom metal oriented project, distinct from the traditional rock edge of the guys’ musical endeavours to date. One phone call away, Albert Bell responded to David Vella and Frenzy Mono’s invitation to team up for a studio recorded jam, which resulted in two molten, raw, Hammond-driven, doom-laden tracks in one afternoon session!
Enthused by the result of this session, the strong vibe that each of the guys felt during their jams, and moreover, mutual respect for each member’s creative abilities, the guys continued to rehearse and build their repertoire in between meeting their commitments with their main bands.
- First Light [2008]
- The Eternal Return [2010]