Noel Calleja
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Noel Calleja (14 May 1972 - 19 January 2018) was a Maltese composer from Vittoriosa who lived primarily in the Fgura/Żabbar area.
• Worked with a leading sound and lighting rental company (ITC)
• Studied Artificial Intelligence together with Systems Analysis and Design by correspondence with the Rapid Result College of London, UK
• Studied Business Administration and Public Relations at the University of Malta
• Obtained an Intermediate and Advanced Diploma in Sales and Marketing with the Institute of Sales and Marketing, Wales, UK
• An Affiliate professional member with the Chartered Institute of Marketing, UK (A.C.I.M.)
• MBA from Hartford University, Minnesota, USA specialising in Marketing Management
• 1989-1992 – Lighting and Laser Engineer at the Malta Eden Palladium
• Involved in re-designing the theatre lighting system at the Mediterranean Conference Centre
• Part of the Interior Lighting Designing Team for the Malta Maritime Museum
• Lighting designer for Marco Masini concert, Zucchero Live in Malta, Haddaway, Roger Taylor, the legendary Queen drummer, Voices in Concert, the International Malta Jazz Festival, the FISEC Games 2002 and the Malta Millennium One in Peace activities
• Producer for the Malta Fireworks Festival 2003
• Designed as well as directed local marketing campaigns and TV commercials for Coca-Cola, Sterling Group, UK, Kia Motors, BMW 3 series, Cisk Export and Kinnie.
• Directly involved with Laser Magic Productions, UK in preparing the marketing strategic plans, implementation and staging of various product launches and shows in the Middle-East, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Kingdom and Germany for Gulf Air Anniversary at the Jeddah, BMW 7-series car launch in 7 Middle-East countries, the Vienna Symphonic Rock Orchestra Project and Year 2000: Bank of Austria Anniversary Activities.