Negative Spaces

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Negative Spaces is a rock group from Malta.
On 29 December 2009, Ryan Aguis and Mark Micallef together with Luke Aguis (former member) formed the band which was formerly known as Dynamite. Neville Mallia (former member) was recruited by Luke Aguis on bass and Kersten Graham was recruited by Mark Micallef on lead guitar on June 2010. A number of vocalists were assigned to the post but none, with all due respect, were fit for the job in the eyes of the musicians. In December 2010 Dynamite won the JC Battle of the Bands and a month later Luke Aguis and Neville Mallia left the band for personal reasons. After weeks of auditions the band recruited Gary Bugeja and Matthew Vella on vocals and bass respectively, they were official members on the 1st of April of 2011. The band decided that new members must carry a new start so the band was renamed to Negative Spaces. The band is currently working on singles with well known producer Nicky Gravino and is scheduling gigs for thier new prospects and goals.
Their debut single Bk2Sq1 (Back To Square One), produced by Niki Gravino was released in March 2012 and it was featured on Toni Sant's 293rd Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast on Saturday 7 April 2012.