Miriana Conte
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Miriana Conte born on 17 Dicember, 2001. She is a Singer.
Miriana is currently being mentored by Pamela Bezzina at Vocal Booth Studios.
Even though Miriana is only 16 years old, she has been through enough to write songs with a powerful message to deliver. Her song this year, Rocket, strives to deliver a powerful and inspiring message to the listeners and hopes to make an impact on people passing through heartbreak and rejection to get back up on their two feet, keep their head up and keep on going. Most importantly, the Rocket symbolises that you should always aim higher than the sky and never give up on your dreams no matter the situation you’re in, everything is possible if you believe in yourself.
The Eurovision song contest is something that Miriana has always been following from a very young age and has always showed great interest in it. Each year she would learn all the songs by heart and hope that one day her song would be one of them.
After being chosen last year at the age of sixteen with the finalists with Don’t Look Down penned by Matt Muxu Mercieca and composed by Cyprian Cassar them same duo write her this second time song , who where chosen for another year with most heart-warming feeling ever, Miriana describes. She is very excited to be taking the stage after last years’ experience, as she describes it as being an amazing, over whelming, challenging, full of fun and adrenaline experience! Whilst being very excited for the contest once again, she is looking forward to have fun with the other talented contestants, and feels mostly the excitement Despite her young age.