Mayssa Lou
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Mayssa Louati, Born on the 19 of April 1997 in Tunis, Tunisia.
Along with both her Tunisian parents, Mayssa migrated to Malta in June 2000, when she was about two and a half years old after her parents fell in love with the island.
Mayssa has 3 siblings, Mariem Louati, her older sister born 27th January 1994 and Amin and Anis Louati her twin brothers born in Malta 18th May 2005.
Mayssa went to Local Primary school, in the Village of Mellieħa, northern part of Malta where she was raised and still living till today.
She learned the Maltese language and speaks as fluent as the locals.
Mayssa says that she feels no different from any Maltese person, she says I just feel blessed and lucky that I found myself on this beautiful island.
She always loved singing and dancing since the age of 4 when she gave a performance at her parents’ home and impressed them.
Her first performance in front of an audience was held in St Claire’s Collage Secondary school in Pembroke, Malta where she used to attend. She decided to sing a Rap song by Nicky Minaj ft rihanna – Fly for the school’s talent show along with another local student.
She was also a member of the ‘Kunsill taż-Żgħażagħ’ in Mellieħa where she sang Halo by Beyoncé as a duet with a local friend and Where’s The Love by The Black Eyes Pease all thanks to Hilary Fenech’s support.
With the song Rocket by Beyonce Mayssa won her very first singing competition in 2018 with the help and support of her vocal teacher Phyllisienne Brincat at Sweet Notes Studio. Mayssa took the 1st place award, 'Best voice' award and the Grand Prix.
Apart from singing Mayssa also has another talent that she inherited from her Arabic Origins which is Belly dancing and Hiphop.
Mayssa says that she is looking forward and ready to keep learning and growing In the Music industry.