Maryse Briffa
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Maryse Briffa is a Maltese singer/songwriter who was born in il-Kalkara on the 25 November 1993.
Maryse started going to piano lessons at the age of six. By the age of eighteen, she obtained the Associate Trinity College of London (ATCL) Diploma. Her love for music led her to write various songs which she played for her family and friends. In 2009, she had her song "Follow the Angels" recorded in one of the local studios.
After auditioning for Voices, she was chosen to form part of the soprano group in the concert of October 2012. Two years later, Maryse had a second song recorded in a professional studio. This time the song was in Maltese, Qlub Imweġġgħa. Its lyrics were written by Charles Meli, while the music was composed by Maryse and arranged by Sam Hayman. The song featured in the end credits of the Maltese film of the same name.
During her spare time, Maryse Briffa enjoys composing short instrumental pieces which she uploads on her youtube channel. Comments from various visitors to her youtube page are very encouraging and some subscribers have even asked her to compose music or use her compositions for projects they were doing.
See also