Marvic Lewis
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Marvic Lewis born at Qormi. She is a Singer Song-Writer, Producer.
She started her singing career at the tender age of 8 years, discovering her voice was a strong instrument, she enjoyed performing though it was most of her late childhood and teenage years which led to her encounter with the Rock Genre and the discovery of another talent – song writing.
Marvic Lewis first came onto the scene thanks to the Malta Song For Europe having entered both as a soloist and in a duet with sister Olivia Lewis who represented the country back in 2007 with the song Vertigo. She changed her style completely, writing new material with fresh musical attributes. In 2003, Marvic Lewis obtained the stage name Indigo and ended up working with a number of artists whose genre who quite different from what the people where used to. She worked with bands such as So Chronic, D Muffin, Tribali and Megapulse.
The new album started being produced in 2008 and it is almost complete. This second album which will be featuring a number of brand new songs with her being the composers, will be released in the beginning of July. This material will be featuring a new musical style along with a beautiful accompanying album art.
While her main singing and performing career evolved, enriched with all sorts of experiences, from concerts to musicals, local competitions and festivals abroad, her biggest wish was to meet a Rock Band and it happened by pure co-incidence when she was nineteen. For a span of four years, she learned a ton of covers, jamming and creating new music, gigging and also recording. It was a good foundation as a starting point which led to an awesome project by the name of Indigo – Indigo Darkpsych as it stands presently. She is currently working on the preparations for a Worldwide Release of her 3rd Album entitled ”All That Remains” (currently only available in Malta), aspiring to strike the US Rock/Metal Market by the end of 2014.