Mario Micallef (actor)
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Mario Micallef was born in Valletta on 28 October, 1947. Actor, Director, Producer, Presenter.
Mario certainly not a new name on the scene theatrical and televised country. It actor, both stage, television, and radio. Mario is married to Nathalie who is also a plaintiff. They have two children. Gordon and Alycia, and grandfather of the child.
The beginning of his theatrical career began when he was still small. That time was attending in Circolu Giuventu Cattolika in Valletta. It was precisely there that came about the drive and drag to the stage. Mario is a versatile actor. Therefore, it is working both in theater and on television. The productions were several Mario took part in them.
On television and teleserial took part in several plays, including the first Maltese teleserial F’Baħar Wieħed, by Lino Grech, having also worked Leli ta’ Ħaż-Żgħir, Wirt, Triq Waħda, Is-Sensiela Fredu l-Fra, Sptar San Valentinu, Imħabba fil-Kaffe, Għaddi l-Bieb Miftuħ, Pasturi Jiċċaqalqu, Il-Ġardinar u l-Fjuri, Ipokriti, Anġli, Dejjem Tiegħek Becky, It-Tfal Jiġu bil-Vapuri, and many others, including Il-Bajjad u l-Kuluri, he had written it himself.
All these years were highly theatrical productions Mario took part and gave him satisfaction. Some are at heart are: Dehra mill-Pont, and Kienu Kollha Uliedi, by Arthur Miller, Il-Kerrejja by Ġuże Chetcuti, F’Baħar Wieħed by Lino Grech, L-Onorevoli tar-Raħal, Padruni Qaddejja, and Rewwixta, by Prof. Oliver Friggieri, Il-Ħadd Fuq il-Bejt, and L-Imnarja żmien il-Qtil, by Frances Ebejer, Filumena Marturano, and Saturday, Sunday, Monday by Eduardo De Filippo, Qabel Tiftaħ L-Inkjesta by Alfred Sant, Bugħawwieġ, L-Impotenti, by Nicolo Macchiavelli, Divorson, …MOR… by Lino Farrugia, Inċest and Mixja fid-Dlam written by Mario himself and the Greek drama Medea, Hekuba, Sħab, and In-Nisa Feniċi.
Mario was also introduced for the first time to William Shakespeare Maltese. Altogether presented an worked ten plays and comedies of this author at the Manoel Theatre. These were: Il-Kummiedja ta’ ż-żbalji, L-Imqarba Immansata, Romeo u Ġuljetta, Il-Merkant ta’ Venezja, Macbeth, Iż-Żewg Ġentlomi ta’ Veneżja, Otello, It-Tnax-il Lejl, Ir-Re Lear and Ħafna Frattarija Għalxejn. These productions were all in Maltese translation by Alfred Palma.
Mario has also worked in various religious drama. About which character at heart who ever interpreted, Mario said, that each character was inserted into and become part of it, but if it had responded unequivocally choose three characters, definitely choose that Jesus in the play of passion. Interpret this character lasted for 14 years. The character of King Lear, in the play of William Shakespeare, and undoubtedly the character of Dun Grejbel, from the romance of Prof. Oliver Friggieri.
Furthermore it is an actor, Mario is also a director, and directed various works both for stage and for television. last teleserial the play was taken from the romance of Prof. Oliver Friggieri, It-Tfal Jiġu bil-Vapuri ("The Children come by Ships"). When Mario was asked about this teleserial, he responded so:
“It-Tfal Jigu bil-Vapuri", I must say that is teleseries is my baby. (I give him life, seeing grow, anf now it coulf libe alone) Wellidtu, Rabbejtu, Kabbartu, and now died its natural death, because we felt that after three rounds, of thirteen episodi each, we have comes to the end of this series. Today's boast that we'll teleserial that pleased by many of the viewers. So, which one of a series, we did ended up to three’. This grateful to Profs. Oliver Friggieri, who one romance, to finish two others wrote about this subject Same. Therefore, thank him permission to enrich naddatta this work for television.
Mario always try to find new challenges in theater. Therefore, actual twelve years ago, for the first time in Malta, Manoel Theatre and other theaters after, presented a one man show play of Żep Camilleri L-Imġarrab. In the play the characters Mario nterpreta all alone, a total of nine characters. This play was received very well by both the public and the critics. Behind were also Il-Politiku Korrott?, Il-Qassis, L-Imfietaħ, Id-Divina Commedia, and the last one Caravaggio.
Mario also took part in several films including: Midnight Express, Lion in the Desert, (in-Libya), Orka the Killer Whale and The Pirates.
For British television, also worked documentary entitled The Little Begger. Also worked in Maltese film , Mera tal-Passat. This was the first Maltese film shown at the Eden complex, San Ġiljan.
Mario is also a presenter. He presented a number of competitions, variety and religious programs. Among the Festival of Malta Song and li big in the celebrations held in the Millennium festivities
For the past 25 years, Mario ran his theater company Talenti ("Talents"). Each season this company raises several works at the Manoel Theatre and Theatre of St. James. San Ġakbu That's not the first time this company has been chosen by the Department of Culture to presenting works for Maltafest.
After a long career on stage and televilzoni, Mario had great satisfaction, precisely in 2008, when it was chosen as the best actor on television major part in the contest The Malta Television Awards. This award took to the main part, were in teleserial “It-Tfal Jiġu bil-Vapuri. with character of "Dun Grejbel".
The biggest personal honor Mario ha, was precisely the Republic Day of 2010, was honored with the Medal for Service to the Republic, MQR, from ET the President of the Republic, Dr. George Abela Undoubtedly, this honor Mario got the top of his brilliant career was in the field of theater and television.
Once, in one of the interviews on television that had Mario, was asked what is meant by the theater for him, with a smile he replied The second home and my other family.