Maltese Vinyl Records from Australia

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A list of recorded Maltese Vinyl Records from Australia

Format: Name of Song - Performer - Composer - Year Released - A/B Side - Label

  • Il-Blata (The Rock) - Joe Galea & The Diplomats - (R.Bin Bovington/Joe Galea) - 1976 - A Side Circle MRB-012 A
  • Bejn il-Ħbieb (Between Friends) - Joe & Rigu & The Diplomats - (R.Bin Bovington/Joe Galea) - 1976 - B Side Circle MRB-012 B
  • Żgur, Żgur, Żgur - The Dynamics - (John Farrugia) - 1976 - A Side - Implex GS014A
  • You Belong to My Heart - The Dynamics (Agustin Lara/Ray Gilbert) - 1976 - B Side - Implex GSO14B
  • Dejjem Tiegħi - The Dynamics (Joe Ciantar) - 1980 - A Side - 005 A Valletta Records
  • Żgur, Żgur, Żgur - The Dynamics - (John Farrugia) 1980 - B Side - 005 B Valletta Records
  • Kemm Jien Kuntent - Joe Galea and The Zodiacs - (Charlie Camilleri) - 1978 - A Side - EMI PRS-2545A
  • Nidħqu Daħka - Joe Galea and The Zodiacs - (Charlie Camilleri) - 1978 - B Side - EMI PRS-2545B
  • Il-Blanzun - Joe Galea and The Freshwater - (Joe Galea/C Eastwood) - 1982 - A Side - B.M.S. Records 13202 A
  • Tini Lura - Joe Galea and The Freshwater - (V. Armato) - 1982 - B Side - B.M.S. Records 13202 B
  • Il-Ħajja kif Niftakruha - Joe Galea with Joe Darmanin & Band - (Gino De La Scerri) - n.d - A Side -EMI PRS-2514A
  • X'Biċċa Ġratli - Joe Galea - (Gino De La Scerri) - n.d - B Side - EMI PRS-2514B
  • Maltin u Għawdxin - Rigu - (R.Bin-Bovingdon) - 1977 - A Side - EMI PRS-2532A
  • Ridt Niżżewweġ - Rigu - (Joe Farrugia) - 1977 - B Side - EMI PRS-2532B
  • Ħabbejt - Rigu - (Rod. Bin-Bovingdon) - 1978 - A Side - EMI PRS-2558A
  • Tfuliti f'Malta - Rigu - (Rod. Bin-Bovingdon) - 1978 - B Side - EMI PRS-2558B
  • Bil-Mod il-Mod - Rigu - (R. Bin-Bovingdon) - 1980 - A Side - EMI PRS-2772A
  • Xalata Fuq il-Baħar - Rigu - (R. Bin-Bovingdon) - 1980 - B Side - EMI PRS-2772B
  • Ejjew Ningħaqdu - Rigu - (R. Bovingdon) - 1984 - A Side - EMI Custom Records 13571 A
  • Tfajla tal-Widien - Rigu - (K.Kristofferson/R.Bovingdon)- 1984 - B Side - EMI Custom Records 13571 B