Liam Carter
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Liam Carter, from Il-Kalkara was born on the 29 of November 1996. He's a news anchor and journalist for Maltese state broadcaster, TVM.
He started his career as a student journalist for Independent Maltese newspaper illum.
During his time at MediaToday he contributed to sister newspapers MaltaToday and BusinessToday.
A student of history, he pursued further studies in journalism, graduating with a B.A Hons Degree in Journalism with a first class classification.
He briefly worked in Nicosia, Cyprus for English newspaper Cyprus Mail.
Upon returning to Malta he worked again for MediaToday before moving to PBS in 2019.
His love for firm, was applied in various documentaries airing on TVM, such as Mewta Siekta (2019) and Carter Jirrapporta (2021-).
He also produces stories and presents the 8.00pm news bulletin on Television Malta and TVM News+