Kelsey Farrugia
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Kelsey Farrugia was born on 11 August, 2001. For some years she lives in at Ħamrun, today she lives with his family at Ħad-Attard. She is a Singer.
Kelsey from a younger age like music. and around 2012 she begain attending singing lessons under the care of Gillian Attard.
Shs still remember her first Festival, it was on 26 February, 2012 and was organized by Erseb Productions she sang ‘La Solitudine’ and on that day she win the title of ‘Best New Comer’ winner.
Encouraged by this success, after this contest continued to participate in several others organized from time to time such as festivals of Erseb Productions, Shine Singers Festivals by DBS Productions and Misraħ il-Milied 2015.
Kelsey often win or place in serveral festivals and even she went singing aboard at San Remo d.o.c., Baby Voice, Una Stella Sta Nascendo, Sogno Trace all Reality in Italy and even went singing at a Hungary contest ‘A Star the Born'.
In addition to its share in the festivals which took part in the competition as Sanremo Junior Malta 2015, Eurovision Song Contest 2015, Festival Kalamita 2015, and the television festival The Entertainers Singing Challenge 2016, she took also in some music concerts with the Peace of Naxxar in the village feast.
On 13 December 2016 Kelsey issued her first video of its song ‘Don t Have a Care’ penned and compsed by Toby Farrugia and direction of Andy Franciz Rgo. A song that also finished in the top 10 of the Maltese market.
Kelsey did not play an instrument, but she like in future to begin learning, the piano. Beside that she had the hobby using make-up and photography
Kelsey wishes to continue her career in singing and she is looking forward to get the success.
During the end of 2017 she begaing to taking part in a television challenge with other singers ‘Don’t Stop Me Now’