Jurgen Xerri
Jurgen Xerri was born on the 28 February 1999. He is a singer.
Jurgen started singing when he was only 7 years old. Although he started off as a solo singer, he also took part in Journey with Ruth Sammut Casingena and also with Animae on both occasions he was part of the choir.
In 2014 Jurgen took part in the festival Eurostars where he had been chosen to represent Malta in Poland, it was a wonderful experience for him from whom he has learned a lot.
He also took part in Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza Junior 2014 known as KKI Junior 2014 were he has placed 2nd. Also in 2014, he and his school friends managed to set up a band which for now has only taken part during school activities.
In 2015 he participated in a festival Ilħna tal-Futur where he won the Best Promising Singer of the Festival. He was also chosen to participate in Malta Summer Hits Song Contest 2015 which was aired on FLiving Channel. In September Jurgen participated as well in KKI Talent Ġdid 2015. In October he participated once again in Euro Stars Festival (Ilhna tal-Futur) and won a Diploma and the Best Maltese song interpretation award.
Jurgen’s tutor is Glen Vella. He is also part of the Vocal Teens Choirs of which Glen Vella and Pamela Bezzina are tutors.
In July 2016 Jurgen took part for the first time in the L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2006 – (Festival Kanzunetta Maltija) with the song Ħallejt il-Passi Wrajk lyricis by Paul Ellul and composed by Glen Vella. He passed from the Semi-Finali held on Thursday 7 July, 2016 he passed for the Final Night held on Saturday 9 July, 2016 with this song, and he get the Best Young Talent Award.
On 2 September, 2017 Jurgen taken part in L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2017 with the song Stallett lyrics by Paul Ellul and music by Glen Vella.
On 18 September, 2018 Jurgen taken part in Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza 2018 with the song Jitriegħdu Subgħajja lyrics by Paul Ellul and music by Mark Scicluna.
Without Glen’s patience, dedication and consistency I would not have made it.