John Galea (singer-songwriter)
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John Galea (born 24 June 1987) from Norfolk, England, and of Maltese and Irish descent, is a singer, songwriter, producer, and performer.
As a producer/writer/performer John has worked with top producers and writers, including the guys behind hits for Blue, Natalie Imbruglia and his songwriting has won national UK Songwriting competition. Johns Galea writing started when he was 13 and now, with his songwriting company ‘The Works’ he is producing tracks to set the charts on fire!
Johns reputation as a master songwriter is spreading fast an has seen John work with the songwriters and producers of J.R Rotem’s Beluga Heights who have written for everyone from Britney Spears and Jason Derulo to the Pussycat dolls and Dele Dele Ladimeji the songwriter behind hits for Mel C and Jay Sean.
John's track Frontline, which was recorded by Maltese singer Thea Garrett reached Number One in the Maltese Chart recently and the German version of Trendsetter is taking the German Charts.
After releasing his first E.P The Scrapbook and supporting McFly and Lemar on tour in 2012 John has is about to release his 2nd E.P after working with Number 1 writers The Monarch and teaming up with Grime rapper Scorcher for his first release Golddiggin.