Joe George Micallef
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Joe George Micallef, was born at Rabat, Malta on 20 December, 1946. He is a singer, musician and composer.
Has entered the local music scene for over forty years. Today still sing a prominent hotel as it did throughout his life. Known for songs like il-Kuġin Ġiljan, Malta is Nice u Agħtini Jdejk,
Joe started singing career in Australia where he emigrated at a young age. He returned back to Malta and quickly found a job that is so for his heart and he was very happy.
Joe George Micallef is also married to Diane an english women, and was father of four siblings protagonist in music scene. First known as The Mics and now even Firelight quickly found a job that is so for his heart and he was very happy. Michelle brothers, Wayne Micallef, Richard Edwards and Daniel Micallef found there inspiration and support to their career so moved by their father Joe George.
During 2015 he return also to the festivals, when he enter in the festival of L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2015 and on 21 March, 2015 he was with the sixteen finalist with the song Illum Jien Pensjonant lyrics by Alfred C. Sant and music by himself.