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Ix-Xgħajra (English SH’AYRA) is a small village in Malta on the coast, about halfway between Valletta Citta Umilissima and Marsaskala. It is a small seaside village on the outskirts of Ħaz-Zabbar Citta Hompesch.
Ix-Xgħajra means a small open plan. The population of ix-Xgħajra is 1,600 people population density 1,287/km (Nov 2008). Borders Ħaż-Żabbar Citta' Hokpesch and Smart City Il-Kalkara. The inhabitants are called Ix-Xgħajrin. In Summer the population increases from 1.600 to 3000. Landmarks Sea Side Promenade and Della Grazie Battery.
Inside of Delle Grazie Battery there was a tower (Santa Maria Delle Grazie Tower it was built by the Knights of Malta in 1620 and demolished by the British in 1888. The British government built Delle Grazie Battery the people working there started living round the battery and thus a small hamlet was formed, which eventually evolved into a small town. The battery now in care of Ix-Xgħajra Council and is being restored to form the focal point for a public space, Battery Park.
Ix-Xgħajra having no inlet has been important up to the 2nd Word War to Malta’s defense thus remaining a quite summer resort especially for amateur fishermen.
In 1620, Grand Master Wignacourt built a tower under the name of Tal-Grazzja (Our Lady of Grace) which used also to be known as Il-Blata Bajda Tower. This tower was unfortunately demolished by the Colonial Services to make place for a larger Battery. The Battery, also named tal-Grazzja, still stand today. Ix-Xgħajra, because of its characteristics different from nearby towns has been recognized as a separate locality since the inception of Local Councils in Malta i.e. 1993.
Since then the Ix-Xgħajra Local Council continued to enhance the locality as a Coastal zone incorporating both permanent and summer residences