Isaac Mercieca
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Isaac Mercieca was born on the 29 April 2000. He lives with his family in the town of Marsascala. Right now he is studying at MCAST second year at the ’Institute of Business and Commerce’. He is a Singer Song Writer.
He started singing back in 2008 in a children’s choir at Marsascala. After some years the choir have stopped it’s journey and Isaac decided to go solo. Now he is being couched by Joshua de Cadenex. His first festival back in 2014 was held in a local hotel where Isaac won first place with the song ‘Read All About It’ originally sang by Emilie Sande.
In December of 2012 Isaac was invited by the popular singing choir Animae Gospel Choir to sing a solo with them in two concerts during Christmas time. The song was ‘Ninni La tibkix izjed’ and it was played also on local radios and it also got some views on the social media. One of Isaac’s most successful moments was of course Sanremo Junior 2015 where he won Section C with the song ‘Clown’ originally sang by Emilie Sande.
He then travelled to Sanremo Junior Festival in Italy where he performed on the big stage of the Ariston Theater and competed with singers from all over the world including the USA. Isaac was so satisfied with this experience that he started to realize that music is really his thing. After the success of Sanremo Isaac then travelled to Germany where he also competed with many singers and he got a Diploma Award.
In 2015 he was one of the 20 lucky finalists in the Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2015. He have learned from this experience and also made some new friends. He also participated in the Musical ‘1565’ which was held in September 2015. Isaac was part of the choir in this musical and present was also the Prime Minister of Malta Joseph Muscat and also different personalities.
Apart from competitions and TV appearances Isaac studies Music theory. He is currently on Grade 4 Music theory. Recently Isaac went for a 10-days course in London, where he learned how to produce, song-production and song-writing. He also sang in the Final Showcase where he was chosen by the tutors at Ultimate Artist course. This was one of Isaac’s highlights in 2017.
After this amazing experience Isaac now is working on his own music and now he is also working on his own single which is coming out at the end of this year. He said that he is very looking forward for this single and nervous to see the response from the public.
Isaac’s motto - Always be yourself and never give up. Dreams are achieved by hard work and confidence. Believe in yourself and you will always succeed.
Isaac on 7 th April, 2018 issued a new single entitled 'I Never Knew' It's video has already been followed over 14,000 times and there are several comments and shares as well. It seems that this song doing very well even with local radios in Malta.
Year | Songs | Lyrics | Composer | Video | released |
2018 | I Never Knew | Isaac Mercieca | Cyprian Cassar | (Click for Video) | 07.04.2018 |