Haley Azzopardi
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Haley Azzopardi was born on 28th April 2004. She lives in San Ġwann.
She started taking singing lessons at the age of 10.
Haley participated in various local festivals where she was the overall winner on various occasions. She was a finalist in San Remo Junior Malta 2015, 2016 and 2017 and finalist in Malta Junior Eurovision Song Contest 2015.
One exciting episode was when she passed through all the stages of local TV station Kalamita Festival 2015 where she was crowned the winner in her category after performing with a live band during the final stage. Consequently, she earned the participation in the 26th Edition of the Festival Internazionale Citta’ di Uta in Sardegna Italy with an original song, where she finished as the Grand Prix winner of the festival.
In May 2016 she auditioned for an Italian TV show Accademia il Talent which was aired on Sky TV. She passed for the finals and eventually finished as the winner in the Juniors Category and also won the Critics Award.
In January 2018 she emerged as the winner in the local TV talent show Anke Jien Ghandi X’Nuri which was aired live on a local TV station. In February 2018 she launched her first original song in the Maltese language Bla Bolla u Bla Timbru which was very well received. During that same year she won the Sanremo Junior Festival Malta and then placed third in Sanremo Junior International which was held in the prestigious Ariston Theatre in San Remo.
In April 2019 Haley launched another song Signs in the English language. That same year she took part in the musical Il-Ħanina Maddalena which was staged at the Teatru Rjal. She also played the part of Florabelle in the first ever musical staged in the Maltese Law Courts - It-Tfajla li Stunat, during 2019 Notte Bianca.
Moreover she played the part of Judas in the musical Jesus Christ Superstar at St.Monica School Gżira where she was a student.
This year she is a finalist in l-L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2021 with the song Is-Sirena Li Welldet it-Tama penned by Paul Ellul and composed by Mark Spiteri Lucas which will be held at the Teatru Rjal on 7th August 2021.
She is also a regular guest in various activities organized by local councils and enjoys contributing in fund raising activities for noble causes.
Apart from her passion for singing, she also practiced classical ballet for 10 years and is presently studying Music at advanced level as part of her studies at Junior College.
Her dream is to become a popular singer where she can perform her own original songs. On Saturday 7 August, 2021 Haley Azzopardi performed the song Is-Sirena Li Welldet it-Tama lyrics by Paul Ellul and music by Mark Spiteri Lucas and she win in the second place
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