Godwin Cini
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Godwin Cini was born on 18 April 1952. at PaolaYoungest six siblings.
He studied the Paola Primary School and Technical Institute Herd. Qualified vehicle technician. Sent in engineering courses abroad. Attended a course on building techniques fl'MCAST.
Took a short course in journalism. He has written several articles, serials and poems on various newspapers, journals, magazines and brochures. He was editor of three different publications.
Connie married in 1977 and have two children, Melanie and Carolyn. It was and is a member (it was even on the committee) of various organizations including; Mclaren F1 Malta, Marsascala Sant'Anna Band. Saint Ann Choir Marseskala, Maltese Poets, English Literary Society, cup Cultural Association of Malta (University).
Various committees appointed by the Marsascala Local Council. It page on the Internet, (poetry.com) of the International Library of Poets which currently have selected the poems "From fast to fast" "Passion on wheels" "Fair Share" "Cheers before you drive" and "I I love and hate ". His poems were read and published f'antoloġiji like "Voyage out of Darkness" in 2002 and "Theatre Of The Mind" in 2003. and in the book "The Best Poems And Poets" United fl'Istati as well as Paris and London. English poems led him to be nominated for Poet of the Year Award in 2003, 2004,2005 and 2006 by the International Society of Poets. Other Poetry rebbħitu the "Editors Choice" in 2002.
Green Peace International stampaw poetry in Japan. Even his poems were published by Group 4 Securicor. Godwin is a broadcaster with regular programs about cars and continued working for preventing traffic accidents. It is also a lover of pencil drawing and painting with water colors and poster Colour and sometimes upload some displays his works. As is now responsible for the "Driveway" on Radio Hompesch and is also a member of the culture committee of the Local Council of Marsascala. NAR hot kiss Godwin Cini 10/01/08 The clock will throbbing seconds war together , tiktok tiktok non stop dragging Inhaled time. Every time you what to do, Everyday you what you want, Every breath and every second, of your life you're the owner. Swallowing air pure, In fields or in-shore, If you eat good food, The vegetables or fish. Tehxin become very heavy, light Lightweight butterfly, If you want to destroy your health Tbewwes with cigarettes. Everyone starts iwarrbek, choking Because everywhere, With scrapings each where tilmhek, Iddahhan everywhere. x'sigarretti Some sadness, pure air foul, malodorous Both their ashes, and leave nothing materialize. I can not understand, How here so wise Slightly rolled tobacco, commands and brings lambs.
Uhud so pulikarja, not afraid of never and nowhere, tobacco Slightly go card, bring them without teeth. And while life continues, and the bum bum heart beat, breathing takes time tbusu ki, lung burns, breathing swallowing and other blowing, and you enter into an alley, the destructive nicotine brings thin veins. chest fills with smoke, Butek tizvujtah, you kiss kiss hot fire, life tispiccaha godwincini@yahoo.com Dear Father Godwin Cini Revised 6/8 / 10/08 Dear missierrna, That you in heaven, I am my mother's womb, Day war'jum in silence.
Started now My heart beat, In hemda of here inside, When I started induq, tl Some life the sweetness. Please Father God, Maintaining a healthy mother, as I well know, Nitghannaq f'imhabbitha. Hanin're my Father, I wish you will start here with me, I wish you always hdejja, DI 't speak well enough arm path . Dear God father, This new life and a long, hazy sometimes see it, I would not heavy, like father Hanin, Be hdejja of all time, In addition m'ommi father, Ministry Life 'glad all.