Gilbert Gauci
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Gilbert Gauci is a singer-songwriter born on 7th March 1994 from Iklin, Malta.
He has been singing since the age of 7 and started performing in various school talent shows.
Eventually he formed part of the Malta’s National Youth Theatre Group between 2012-2014.
He has been involved in various music events & theatre productions, both locally and overseas. However, in the last few years, Gilbert has completely dedicated himself to music.
In fact, some of his favourite solo acts are Strummin for a Change 2014, Voices Heart and Soul 2014, the University of Stirling Music Cabaret 2016 and Strummin Going Places 2018.
He also formed part of the choral symphony choir that opened and closed the Valletta 2018 'European Capital of Culture' and the Hybrid Festival in Malta’s Capital City, Valletta. In 2020, he released his first single called ‘Breathe’, which caught the attention of various blogs and radio stations. Gilbert aims to continue writing his own music and grow as an artist.