Gaby Bonello
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Gaby Bonello Australian singer songwriter living on Sydney’s Northern Beaches.
Early Life
Born in Sliema, Malta on 19 August, 1965, Gaby immigrated to Australia with her family, when she was 8 years old in 1974. Growing up on Sydney’s Northern Beaches with her mother, Helga Storace, father Richard Bonello and her two younger sisters, music has always been a part of life having come from a musical family. At an early age she won many singing eisteddfods, has been part of choirs and vocal groups, and performed with bands. Singing with vocal group Jubilation, performing primarily jazz/gospel, gifted her the opportunity to perform on the big stages including Carols At the Domain, Manly Jazz Festivals, and MTV Awards at Sydney’s Acer Arena.
Gaby now wears a diverse array of hats. She is at once a songwriter and performer, self taught in vocals, guitar and composition with a stint of training in Jazz Vocals at the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, a qualified Mind Body Medicine Practitioner, a Human Resources Manager, and most importantly a mother of two and wife to husband, Huw Jones.
Performing as a solo acoustic artist and creating new songs is her passion, her joy and her inspiration. Her music reflects and expresses her journeys in life, love and the universe. Through musical storytelling she takes her audience on a parallel journey of the spirit and the physical which is both heartfelt, moving and uplifting.
Gaby began recording with Sydney producer Sean Carey,ex-guitarist for ARIA accredited Platinum selling band Thirsty Merc, in 2015 and released her debut album Coming Home in August 2016. A six song album EP whose composition was fuelled by an underlying search of what home truly is and honouring of all that contributes to a deep sense of connection and belonging. Reflections of leaving her home in Malta and moving to Australia played a big part in the creation of this album, and her song Church Bells honours Malta and her Maltese past.
You can listen and buy the album EP on [1] or contact her on [2].
2016 – Coming Home (Album EP)
2016 – One Day At A Time (Single Video)(Click Video)