Funky Monkey
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Funky Monkey DJ (Luke Camilleri) Producer, Beatboxing, Owner of 141 Records Funky Monkey was born in Malta, 14 July 1998. Ever being in love with music, he began to study Althorn and piano getting great results.
He was only 14 when he started finding his best musical expression through electronic music, and so he started to DJ. He’s also a producer, a job he considers different from that of a DJ, indeed the studio activity is based on a detailed research of updated sounds. Synth and drum-machine are some of his passions which he cannot help but use, considering essential the need of the hardware.
At the age of 17 he launched his first single, “Back In Town”, which is part of his upcoming debut album The BIGinning. Funky Monkey was in the proses of signing a record deal, but since he refused to give a genre to his Tracks, the deal was not accepted.
Therefore this meant that despite the music was accepted and up to all standards with the label’s releases because the music was not marketed in a specific genre it got rejected. In today’s society and social inclusion do music genre help? and 1st of all do we rely need to put music and art in boxes? With this mindset he started questioning why was he trying to sign himself with a label that has a boxed vision for music.
This was the star of the 141 Records, seeing music as art irrespective of the genre.
Another single from the album, "The BIGinning" was released in September 2017, along with its music video. This single, with Russian born artist Abel Nesian, is titled Robustus. Funky Monkey is also the producer for: Oxygyn, REA, Iviè Skies along side other artist and other side project. Funky Monkey's latest single "Let It Fly" ft. Katia Abela and Maria Ellul, with is part of the 141 universe.