Freddie Portelli
- This page is about the popular Maltese singer-songwriter. For other people called Freddie Portelli or Alfred Portelli, see Alfred Portelli (disambiguation).
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Freddie Portelli was born at St Paul’s Bay on 5 May, 1944. He was a singer songwriter, He is best known for the self-penned song "Viva Malta" (1966).
Taken his education in St Paul’s Bay Primary School, later at the Technical Institute, when Freddie got the City & Guilds of the London Institute Standard, during years his mainley job of Freddie was a draughtsman.
He was known for his carractor as a layed back man, and happy go lucky, but knows where he can go.
It was his father to put him in the sence, when he asked him to learn the Guitar and Freddie started from there, he had some few lessons with a layed back happy go lucky Genius nicknamed IL KAPTAIN Carmelo Muscat il-Captain was his first music teacher, from Mellieħa a friend of his Father who also was a music enthusiast himself and played the Guitar and Mandolin.
Freddie at first begain with various bands at a very young age say 13 years old.
In the early sixties he formed The Malta Bums and used to show each member from what he knew till that time.
First members where two (Perronis) Mario Perrone amd Paul Perrone {both passed away some years ago} then he met with Tony Camilleri known as il-Bayzo and used to how him something on bass playing and they started doing harmonies also, but Mario emigrated to Australia and was replaced by Tony Muscat then known as il Maduwi who started playing Rhythm guitar and at times even lead guitar, but then Paul Perrone could not continue and was replaced by Tony Bartolo Il-Gegu who was suggested to Freddie by his father to play drums and that was the final set of the originali known The Malta Bums.
Personaly Freddie did not taken part in beging Singing Festivals of does days, but with the Band then only known as THE BUMS they entered in a Bands Festival and altough they were the least euiped band and they made it to the finals but on the final day the curtain was opened before they were ready sound set and one of he amps started distorting and they walked out of the stage utb the winners of the festival The Boys came for they at St.Paul’s Bay the day after and they went on a fun day (XALATA) together cause they noticed right away the musical potential of The Bums.
The PRS festival changed the rules in the very morning and he was not set up but still earned 3 place and when the organizers came back from Greece they found Freddie and said that if Malta was represented by him and his song they believed Malta would have won the International Festival and what Freddie told them was that it was they who in the first place gave him the third place instead of the winning position, the song was Summer Again and will be included in the next latetes CD Album release for Hospice Moviment in summer 2015.
After the experance with The Malta Bums and later with The Black Train he stop his career, Because Freddie was came over worked, he had a job as a Draughtman, played Waterpolo with top teams and the National side.
And we were singing everynight beside he weekend extra concerts and was preparing to get married in this hussle it brings so a took a few weeks off and found it very comfortable with people starting to lose attention on him wherever he go and he liked it
But after some years as already explained the burden of hard musical works, his job as a draughts man, waterpolo and all had him to take a rest which he really enjoyed for about 16 years. But Music was in Freddie’s veins, and his strongly was urged to do a come back again in the scene, in 2001 which he did reluctantly but the impact was as all knows.
He also taken part in the Malta Eurovision Song Contest three times with Don’t be Gone Away, (1994), There’s a Song (1996) and the till aited Summer Again (1997), all to be included in the Hospice Moviment Cd Album issued on 2015 summer.
He got many, experance when he meet aboard and can’t remember them all but one Concert was with Demis Russous when they did a one hour fifteen minutes each.
Beside a singer and musician, Freddie was also a sport althet when he got several experence playing Waterpolo with Sirens, Neptions and Valletta each time on the Premier Championship also won The 1964 international Tournament With Malta’s International team and also got another nice experance with the small team of Barracudas.
Freddie was known for the componed of a immitable song that ever sell and played on media and radio stations and even around the world VIVA MALTA
Viva Malta is a sort of Merical as it made internationaly and in its original Maltese Language a languge which is rarely understood abroad but still made it big beverywhere.
Freddie continued releasing more CD Singles and CD Albums, issued a quite good number of Albums, Cd Albums and Cd Singles around 24, he write around 400 song both with words and music, and also a the Triple Album Reaching Out. Freddie said As long as people kept going to buy hatever Freddie released always elevated his moral and he kept composing both words and music and sometimes he as himself how come he always founds a subject to write about.
He went singing aboard alone many times and visit serveral countries around the world such as Germany, Usa, Canada, Australia, England, Italy, Greece, North Africa and even on Legger ships
Times go by and after sixteen years away from music Freddie Portelli who was constantly urged to make a come back specially by Martin Schembri known as Ir-Reġin and by Godwin and Mario Difesa of KTA Records, so to say very reluctantly Freddie started his solo comeback playing Saturday nights in a Venue in St.Paul’s Bay and the outcome was what everybody knows plus the releasing of the double Album GĦALL DEJJEM which included a new recording of the monumental VIVA MALTA and again broke all record sales in our Nation.
Freddie is married to Carmen nee’ Darmanin on 5 Dicember, 1972 and got two daughters Claudette Portelli who today was a Specalist Clinical Psycology and when she was a little girl of only 4 years, had some songs too with the special hit song Claudette and Yvette Portelli who was a presenter on television and radio, and today she’s was a gurnalist in Italy, they frecuntley visit Malta or Freddie and his wife went visit they. Freddie was proud because he was a granfather of (April May) born on 2000 and for her Freddie issued a song named April May. Beside this Yvette was a also a founder of Banco Dei Cappelli a foundation to pick hair from donated people to used biex people hu suvverd fron Cancer.
Today at 71 Freddie is still Performing and pulling the crowds without the need of artificial publicity,just his name and the crowd is there. Long live Freddie’s Music
For a question that Freddie Portelli who has not to make or acquire, Freddie answer was this:-
Can’t imagine what else, I could have done, sold out concerts abroad and in Malta too, been on many International major TV stations in ENGLAND, USA, CANADA, AUSTRALIA and more, mainly singing live and always mentioning Malta, released so many records successfully, sportwise been absolutely successful in Waterpolo, I also had a wish to be Draughtsman, and I accomplished it to and was also Principle To on of many projects around Malta, just can’t imagine more. One regret may be due to my forgetfulness when I had extraordinary opportunities to meet legendary people and missed them, as already said due to my forgetfullness such as Elvis Presley, In almost 50 years career one could got many experance, and hope in the next few months they will all write in my biography who will issued laterly during 2015.
CD Albums
- ( ) Għal Dejjem
- ( ) Narak Kullimkien
- ( ) U Mela
- ( ) Ġej Il-Milied
- ( ) Elvis Your Name Will Never Die
- (1998) Reaching Out
- ( ) Tinkwieta Xejn
- ( ) Tislima (Lill Sammy Bartolo)
- ( ) Need Rock 'n' Roll
- ( ) Rock 'N' Ale
- ( ) Kliem
- ( ) Viva It-Tewmin (Issued at Awstralia Tour)
- ( ) Give Me A Song (In Aid for Nicky Farrugia to swim from Scily to Malta)
- ( ) Xammar
- ( ) I Love You So Much
- (2014) Ġej Il-Maltemp (In Aid for Puttinu)
- (2014) Il Kbir Għadu Ġej (In Aid for Dar tal-Providenza)
- (2015) Blue Sea Bay (In Aid for Hospic Moviment)
- (2015) Fejn L'Anġli Ikantaw (In Aid for Community Chest Fund)
Singles A & B -Side
- Ġenna Ta' L'Art / Heaven On Earth
- Xewqat Sbieħ / Ave Maria
- Give Me A Song / In My Dreams
CD Singles
- (2000) Ave Maria / Eeryday
- (2007) Stick No Bills / Heaven
- (2007) Gettin' Away / Losing Again
- (2010) Gimme The Banana
- (2008) I Never Did
- (2008) My Oh My
- (2009) A Little Wine / One Two Three
- (2009) To Night
- (2009) The One And Only
- (2010) You Will Never Know / Please My Soul
- (2010) Life Is What You Make It
- (2011) We Got Music / EveryBody To Night
- (2011) The Sun Shine On Me / April Marie
- (2012) Tfittex u Ma' Ssib Xejn / Donin' Alright
- (2012) Ġej il-Maltemp / I'm A Dreamer
- (2013) Taking You Out Again / Beating Round The Bush
- (2014) Give Me A Song / In My Dreams
- (2014) I Will Try
- (2014) San Pawl Il-Baħar
- (2015) Fejn L'Anġli Ikantaw / Kif Igerbu is-Snin
See also
Category:Freddie Portelli Photos