Frank Camilleri
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At an early age Frank Camilleri, Started his Cello studies with Mro Valeriu Popovici. He continued his studies under the direction of Simon Abdilla Joslin. Under his tuition Frank obtained the Accociate in cello plaving of the London College of Music. Frank played with several orchestras in Malta and abroad, to mention.
The Brno Philarmonic, and the Mediterranean youth orchestra. In 2004 he was also chosen to form part of an orchestra which has been formed for the EU celebrations in Finland.
In 2006 he became a full time member with the Malta Philarmonic Orchestra. He also forms part of the Cord ia string Quartet. Frank has had also the pleasure of performing as a solist in various recitals.
His appreciation and love for the cello will never cease.
Since 2011 he was one of the members of Cordia String Quartet.