Enya Magri
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Enya Magri was born on the 8 March 2002, She comes from Mosta. She is already an accomplished singer/songwriter, having put her best foot forward time and time again, taking part in several local and international music competitions.
Back in 2009, when Enya had just turned 7, she took part in the 52nd edition of Zecchino D'Oro, one of the eldest music competitions for children held in Bologna Italy. There she sang “Castelli di Sabia”, an original song composed by Andrew Zammit, and penned by Christopher Azzopardi. This was on the back of her participation at the Verdinote International Festival, where she won the award for Best Song and also Best Voice.
In 2010, she took part in the Slaviansky Bazaar, one of the largest music competitions in Europe, considered only 2nd to the Junior Eurovision Song Contest. Since then, Enya never looked back and won music competitions in Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Hungary, FYR Macedonia. In 2013, she took a break from music competitions, yet developing her voice further with help from Joshua Alamu, vocal coach to Little Mix, Louisa Johnson and Fleur East and Pamela Bezzina, director of VocalBooth Studios.
2019 will definitely be a year to remember for Enya, publishing her debut single “Safe Haven”, a song composed and produced by Cyprian Cassar to the lyrics of her sister Jody Magri. The song debuted at number 2 on the local iTunes Chart and also made the Top 10 on ONE Radio 92.7, and 89.7 Bay. She was also a headliner at the Malta Pride Concert, performing a mash-up of I’m Every Woman and One Kiss which she worked on together with Cyprian Cassar at Somio Recording Studios.