Dry Connections
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Dry Connections is a rock band from Malta.
The band Dry Connections was formed in February of 2009. by Bruce, Franklin and Mark … after a while Fredu joined the Group and the name Dry Connections. From that day, the musicians have always remained the same. From the beginning for us it was very hard to find a vocalist. Several auditions were made from which eventually Steve Farrugia was selected as the first vocalist for Dry Connections.
The band recorded the first single titled Right from the start which did very well, maybe more than we expected. The single was aired on local radios and reached the 1st position on Malta’s Top 10 after 12 weeks in the chart. With this single Dry Connections won an award at the Malta Music Awards 2011 as the best upcoming artist. This was inspirational for us and it boosted our confidence and ambitions in our music.
The band also took part in several music events, such as the Rookies battle of the Bands and the Beland Music Fest. After one final gig in summer 2012, former vocalist Steve decided to leave the band. While the band was without a vocalist, material was still being written, but it was very hard to continue without a frontman.
This was the most critical time for us and several attempts were made to find a new vocalist. The band was even going to give up the search. Then we heard of Carmelo Ebejer (lello) which he is already known as a worthy singer, since he had already participated in National music events such as Voices and Rockestra. Fingers were kept crossed, with some convincing and not much less sweating! he eventually became Dry Connections current vocalist.
This year he was very busy getting married and finalizing his Masters Thesis in I.T. but the band still managed to record their second single, Reach Out, at Railway Studios was released on iTunes on 30 August 2013. A music video for this song appeared on YouTube on 1 September 2013.
The video was co-produced by Ready.set.go. It was featured on the 350th Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast by Toni Sant on Saturday 7 September 2013. The band would like to make a special thanks to keyboardist Neville Pons for the keyboard parts of this song.
The band has always experimented with musical ideas with influences from bands such as: U2, Kings of Leon and Biffy Clairo, producing material (until now unrecorded) verging on commercial / modern rock style with a small glimpse of classic rock in the hindsight. Dry Connections have taken part in fund raising events for children.
Future projects include: recording other material that is available and ultimately recording an album. Perhaps a more ambitious music video too!
Dry Connections’ members are:
Line up
- Carmelo Ebejer (lello) - Vocals
- Mark Pellicano (Pelli) - Guitars
- Bruce Busuttil (Bruce) - Guitars
- Franklin Farrugia (Babet)- Drums
- Marfred Bugeja (Fredu) - Bass
- 2nd Place - Rookies' battle of the bands 2011
- MMA Best upcoming artist 2011
- Number 1 - Malta's top 10 by 89.7 Bay with Right from the Start, on the chart for 12 consecutive weeks.