Deluge of Sorrow
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- Nico (Guitars)
- Keith (Guitars)
- Matthew (Bass)
- Annmarie Spiteri (Vocals)
- Ludvic (Drums)
- Dino (Percussions)
- Yury (Keyboards
It was on one of those putrid Maltese summer evenings in the year two thousand; when Matthew and Keith, fuelled by copious amounts of an ice cold local brew, sowed the seeds for what would go on to become the 'Deluge of Sorrow' it is today. Together they set about locating a suitable location to house the project. They soon secured a few square metres at the Marsa garage complex; a veritable hub of musical activity, well known to many in Malta's music scene.
Initially with Nico and Keith on guitars, Tara on drums, Matthew on bass, Yury on keyboards and Rodney on vocals, their first few forays into defining the band yielded a raw, slow tempo'd and largely melancholic sound. In a couple of months Tara was replaced by Ludvic on drums and Portia joined as backing vocals for Rodney, who sadly had to leave the band soon afterwards. Portia was soon joined by Katia, restoring the dual vocalist concept for a while. This line up persisted for a while, but went on to see Portia's departure and Deluge of Sorrow settle down with the remaining six members, Katia - vocals, Yury - keyboards, Keith - guitar, Nico - guitar, Matthew - bass and Ludvic - drums.
Chapter 1
The band continued to meet up and experiment for a number of years leading up to their first live appearance, aiming for a fresh, albeit morose introduction to Malta's doom/death metal scene together with Sidereal at Signals Bar in 2004. A burst of live gig activity soon followed, joining local band Lithomancy and later Subculture on stage at 'Signals', as well as playing at locally organised events such as Ġenetika and The Buskett Roadhouse Music Marathon. This burst of activity was punctuated with a performance at Remedy, Paceville in November 2004, perceptively titled The End of Chapter One. The overall response was encouraging, pushing Deluge of Sorrow into a further productive state.
Chapter 2
2005 saw Deluge of Sorrow continue to experiment and also grow, with the introduction of two new members. Dino provided a further percussive element to the band and Teena joined as backing vocalist, putting growls behind Katia's strong, feminine vocals. Deluge of Sorrow ventured forth into a much more multi-layered sound, inevitably instigating new twists to form in the music they were making, yet remaining faithful to much of what had already been achieved, at times even re-working old material to suit the new structure.
The now eight member strong musical ensemble debuted the new lineup at the BroadBand Gathering festival in 2005, later organising a gig with Cyberia at the faithful Signals venue and accepting Forsaken's generous invitation to support them at their Dominaeon CD Launch at The Alley, Paceville in January 2006; the latter gig turning out to be their last live appearance for almost four years.
Chapter 3
The next stage in Deluge of Sorrow's journey saw Katia's departure, spurring Teena on to develop her vocal style; and the rest of Deluge of Sorrow to adjust to the elimination of a vocal style that had typified Deluge's sound for quite a while. Thus they went into hiding, generating new ideas, fastidiously reworking old material and discovering new sounds. These four years threatened to stretch on longer, but with a good dose of friendly encouragement, they were persuaded to hit the live scene again in November of 2009, taking part in the FEMfest 2009 at SkyClub together with seven other female fronted Maltese acts.
The positive response was unexpected and overwhelming; perhaps those years of musical introspection had distorted the band's attitude somewhat. However they did walk away with a freshly whet appetite for live performance, vowing between themselves to organise & contribute to gigs more often. 2010 saw Deluge of Sorrow take to the stage at the Puttinu Charity gig at Magazino and the Powerhouse in Valletta, organise a small gathering at Il-Fortizza in Sliema with their newfound friends Sepia and most recently, take the opportunity to perform to a wider audience at the Xtreme Metal Assault 2010 at the Buskett Roadhouse. Deluge’s last gig for what would turn out to be the most turbulent time to date was the first edition of the MDM. Deluge’s performance went down well with the audience.
Chapter 4 - The Cataclysm.
In the most awful spectacle of our time, when water curdled into grime. The rain could no longer fall from the sky / morphed into tempestuous mires of dirt and filth / their vile issuance spewed forth over the land engulfing the earth in a torturous slime. - Teena Kingswell
End of 2010 - beginning of 2013 This was a time of great personal turmoil for many in the band. A variety of mishaps plagued most members ranging from illnesses to death, all which ultimately culminated after Teena’s departure. The band continued playing, more as a means of relieving some of the daily pressure, rather than being a more ‘goal-oriented' project. As time went by, a long time friend and vocalist Annemarie Spiteri joined the fold. Concurrently, co-worker Shawn urged Nico to “get the fuck on with it” and the band refocused its efforts to a very uncharacteristic bout of work.