Christabel Cuschieri
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Christabel Cuschieri was born on the 31st of October, 1997. She lives in Mosta. Singer.
She loves travelling and experiencing new adventures. Her passion above all, is singing. She started singing at the age of 4 by participating in concerts and musicals set up by the school.
She further learned how to improve her singing abilities by attending lessons at age 9 with her vocal coach, Alison Ellul. She was also part of the zhn Symphonik Choir for a few years.
Thanks to various local festivals, Christabel was given the opportunity to participate in foreign festivals, such as the Orfeo in Italia festival, and in the Silver Yantra - International Pop Music Contest in Bulgaria.
She was invited to perform in various countries such as, Italy, Estonia, Spain and Austria.
She also managed to obtain a Distinction in Grade 7 Vocal London College Trinity Exams and obtained the highest mark in all vocal exams in the year 2015.
Apart from singing, Christabel has a great love for dancing. She recently started to attend dancing lessons at The Annalise Dance Studio. On July 2016, she was chosen to go to London for a dance workshop in Pineapple Studios and a certificate was awarded. She is very looking forward for this wonderful opportunity, with hope of further gain of experience in the performing industry.
On September, 2016 Christabel for the first time is taken part in the Konkors Kanzunetta Indipendenza - Talent Ġdid 2016 with the song Tama lyricist by Alison Ellul and composed by Dominic Cini.