Billy Lee
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Billy Lee is a dynamic alternative rock band fronted by Billy Lee with drummer Carlos Marin and Billy B. on bass guitar. Billy Lee is a Maltese /British performer who has successfully established himself on the music scene due to his raw energy and captivating style of performing.
The band has a busy gigging schedule including performing at The Troubador when touring in London where many famous musicians such as Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Paul Simon, Led Zeppelin, Tom Robinson and Elvis Costello once played.
Billy Lee’s dedication, passion and eye for detail have made the band into one of the most exciting on the Maltese music scene. Their music style, inspired and rooted in blues based hard rock also incorporates elements of pop, heavy metal, alternative rock and rhythm and blues.
Billy Lee has been extensively featured in local newspapers, national TV and radio and performances at top music festivals in Malta. With their unmistakable sound they are finding themselves more and more in demand on the club scene and with an album due to be released in 2015 plans for a tour of Europe are underway.
- Delicata Wine Festival 2015, Malta
- Special Guest Dave 'Bucket' Colwell
- The Troubadour, London
- Performances in London, Spain
- The Great Farsons Beer Festival, Malta
- National TV, Malta
- 'Rock the Fest' Contest Winner (2012), Malta
- Best Performance Award (2009), Malta
- Billy Lee & Aces Shade (2012)
- The Lounge Seeions (2015)