Ballad of the Lost
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Ballad of the Lost was a short-lived (?) rock group from Malta.
In 2013 they released a two original songs on YouTube called Picture Perfect Lies and Lies. The latter was featured on Toni Sant's Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast.
They also released a cover Motionless in White's Devils Night.
They also released songs on Soundcloud [1], but these have been removed -- presumably because the band spit and they did not want to have them available to the public. Their Facebook page has also been deleted. [2]
- Matt- Unclean Vocals (Matthias Borg from Żebbuġ, Malta)
- Myles - Clean Vocals & Guitar
- David - Bass Guitar
- Charlton - Guitar
Lyrics for Picture Perfect Lies
- Published on 5 May 2013
- We starred the skies
- Picture perfect all those lies
- We never wanted this to end
- We promised forever and always
- No matter who come in between us
- We obviously broke that vow my dear
- I held everything you once gave me
- Something about you drove me crazy
- I just always wanted to have the upper hand
- You loved the point out my every fault
- Point out my every fault
- We starred the skies
- Picture perfect all those lies
- We never wanted this to end
- We promised forever and always
- No matter who come in between us
- We obviously broke that vow my dear
- I know I'm a wreck
- I told you I was a year back
- As you cry and say i lost my way
- I know I'm a wreck
- Don't cry for me
- Don't cry for me