Andreana Debattista
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Andreana Debattista was born in Mosta on 11 August 1974. She is a Singer and on stage was know as Andreana.
She received her primary and secondary education at St. Monica School in Mosta and Birkirkara, where she also was Head Girl during her final years. Andreana completed her sixth form at De La Salle College and in 1996 graduated BSc. Biology/Chemistry PGCE from the University of Malta.
Andreana is also sister of Actor and scripter-writer Carlos Debattista.
Since 1997 she has taught Integrated Science and Biology at St. Martin’s College in Swatar.
Her underlying interest in singing only came to the fore when she joined the popular Choir Voices and eventually she ventured into the world of entertainment with her soon to be husband who himself played the guitar. Between 1997 and 2002, Andreana also took part in three musical productions namely The Sound of Music and Evita by Act React Productions, and Joseph by St. Martin‘s Productions.
The Malta Song for Europe has provided Andreana with a platform to exhibit her versatility and personality and she has reached and took part in the finals of this popular festival eight times between 1998 and 2013, five of them being consecutive years. Some of the songs that she presented in these finals included Listen (with the trio Fate), Theresa (2002) and Angels (2003)(with her husband Karl Spiteri, a duo called Mirror Image), 24/7, (2004)Let’s make a Change with Christian Arding (2005) and So Good (2006).
In 2014 Andreana competing with an original song Now & Forever with music by Vinny Vella Jr. and Lyrics by Karl Spiteri.
Andreana’s career took a different direction in 2006 when she was successfully auditioned for undertaking the presentation of L-Ispjun,
Indisputably the most popular and successful reality show in Malta and which Andreana’s flowing presentation and bubbly personality undoubtedly enhanced.
Andreana is also kept busy with a consistent number of gigs in various venues in Malta and she has also been resident singer on various popular TV programs including Xarabank and Kollox Sibt, she is also the lead singer for the Vinny Vella Band.
In 2012 -13 television season Andreana was once more the presenter of the comic TV series Min Imissu?! which also proved to be another very successful Take2 series in Prime time on TVM.
On 7 th February 2014 Andreana Debattista particepated in the Semi-Finali of the Malta Eurovision Song Contest 2014 with the song Now And Forever, but she did'nt made it to the Final on the 8 th February, 2014