The Areola Treat

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from their MySpace page...
The Areola Treat do not ascribe to any particular creed. This band is not about spouting slogans or half-baked philosophies of life. This is art for art’s sake; noise for noise’s sake.
Having formed in 2006, The Areola Treat seem to have a liking for B movies, awkward Japanese bands, rock and roll and howling werewolf-like growls in their performances. Consisting of Adrian Mizzi, Lisa Micallef-Grimaud, Steve Shaw and Chris Busuttil, the band has already created a storm in the Maltese underground music scene. With screeching guitars, resounding feedback, feisty punk beats and definite munchy punk vocals in numbers like 16 , Disco Party and Boulevard Werewolf, they are almost reminiscent of the 1970's punk pioneers X-Ray Specs. However this band reinforces the fact that all that glitters is not gold (or perhaps, all that seems to be moderately predictable is not), with their more toned down indie songs like Lipstick Traces, A Hundred Silhouettes and Subsonic Speed Shades.
Whilst Chris - the drummer's - obsession with horror movies is evident (from his choice of attire), Adrian the guitarist enjoys indie rock, however occasionally indulges in his darker pleasures which include listening to Black Sabbath and added to his repertoire, is his obsession with glam rock, like the dedicated follower and collector of Bowie records that he is. The frontwoman? She has an avid love for sixties’ psychedelia, 60's Garage bands and Motown records apart from other musical genres. Following the previous bassist's (Matthew Cuschieri) departure in September of 2009, the band have added and welcomed bassist and former follower of the band, Steve Shaw to the line-up of members. It only took Steve a few days to warm to the band, and all were positive he was the man for the job prior to the join. He is now an official member of the Areola Treat family, and even performing driving duties, following in matthew's footsteps!
In a nutshell, The Areola Treat sound like a rodent, a wolf, the rather grotesque wig your granny stores affectionately in her drawer, stilettos, anti-disco balls, cheap perfume, red lipstick and a bashed electric guitar, all shoved into a blender and served with a punch of red hot chilli.
Inspired by cult classics, seventies horror movies and the origins of Punk, this band is definitely not to be missed. Prepare for the live ear-damage and shredding sound experience.
Members: Lisa Micallef-Grimaud - (vocals), Adrian Mizzi - (guitar), Steve Shaw - (bass), Chris Busuttil - (drums, percussion and other stuff you could hit).