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ShadowBorne is a metal band from Malta formed in 2009.

Around 2009 drummer Clayton Cini, guitarist Campos and vocalist Duncan "Fesu" came together and decided to revive their former band Angel Blade. Recruiting Katia (ex Deluge of Sorrow) on vocals and Stephen on keys, plans were made to rehash the old songs and perform one gig for old times sake. Due to time constraints, Campos was forced to abandon the band after several months. In response, Clayton replaced Campos on guitars and recruited Bobby on drums. Soon Bertu joined their ranks on bass and Tyrone (ex Thy Legion) was added on second guitar duties. However, also due to time constraints, Bobby also left the band, and the rest had to rely on a drum machine for the moment. This served only to tighten the band to a fine precision. By now the band had started to move away from their roots and soon adopted the new name of ShadowBorne. Clayton's power metal heritage combined with Tyrone's death and black metal influences and Bertu's trash metal riffs soon created a different and fresh style delivering fast pounding riffs with melodic overtones.

Towards the end of June 2011, Clayton Cini uploaded a demo recording by ShadowBorne called The Beginning to his SoundCloud account. The song was featured on Toni Sant's 262nd Mużika Mod Ieħor podcast on Saturday 16 July 2011.

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