Norm Rejection
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From their MySpace page:
Norm Rejection - The Radical Underground (Album - 2014)) Norm Rejection – Belligerent (EP – 2011) Norm Rejection – Double Album (Album – incorporating ‘Deconform’ and ‘0002’ - 2008) Norm Rejection – Malta Not For Sale (EP – 2008) Norm Rejection - 0002 (Album - 2000) Norm Rejection - Deconform (Album – 1998) Norm Rejection - Subtly Mesmerized? (EP - 1994)
Widely recognised as Malta's first band to fuse different styles into a distinctive metal sound, Norm Rejection was founded in 1994. Norm Rejection is known for its songs of rebellion and liberation and for its powerful live performances. It is also Malta’s first metal band with both English and Maltese lyrics.
The band's first release was "Subtly Mesmerized?" (1994). Subsequently Norm Rejection released two full-length albums "Deconform" (1998) and "0002" (2000).
In the meantime Norm Rejection songs were included in various international CD compilations, including: French magazine 'Hard Force', where "Caged" appeared alongside songs by Sepultura, Dimmu Borgir, Skinlab and others; "Helping you work to work Volume 6" by Lockjaw Records (UK), sponsored by Metal Hammer magazine, which included Norm Rejection's "The Death of the Subject" ; and "Justice for Mark Barnsley", the international benefit CD for Mark Barnsley, which includes "Faceless", and other compilations. The band played in various concerts and festivals, and also supported top British metal band Anathema.
In 2007 Norm Rejection released a 5-track EP, 'Malta Not For Sale' with Death to Music productions.
'Deconform' and '0002' were also re-released as a single package under the Reciprocal Records label in 2008.
In 2011 Norm Rejection released its 'Belligerent' EP, which also includes 'Subtly Mesmerized?' EP.
In 2014 Norm Rejection celebrated its 20 years of existence, and released a new album 'The Radical Underground'.
Norm Rejection is: Wil Pace (Vocals), Michael Briguglio (Drums), Sean Vukovic (Guitar), Ronald ‘Rex’ Grech (Bass). Former members include Jo Kerr (Bass) and Andrew Martin RIP (Keyboards).
- Sean Vukovic (Guitars, Backing Vocals)
- Michael Briguglio (Drums)
- Wil Pace(Vocals)
- Rex (Bass)