Clean-up Needed
The text currently on this page needs further work. It was most likely imported or reproduced from a website associated with the subject of the page - possibly through a process involving far-from-perfect machine translation, often with awkward results. It is awaiting the attention of an experienced M3P editor, which could be you. It may be slightly out of date, or may need other elements taken care of appropriately, including proofreading or copy-editing for grammar and style.
| {{{demospace}}}
| {{#ifeq:|
| main
| other
| main = {{#if:{{#iferror:{{#time: Y|1981}}|Not recognized as a date. Years must have 4 digits (use leading zeros for years < 1000).|{{#iferror:{{#ifeq:| ||{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}}}{{#if:11|11|{{#ifeq:1981| ||1981}}{{#ifeq:| ||BCE}}}} ({{#ifeq:| |{{#ifeq:| ||-}}{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:{{#time:Y|{{#ifeq:dtstart|dtend|{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|3}}}}{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|1}}}}-3000 }} > 999.5) | {{#expr:{{#time:Y|{{#ifeq:dtstart|dtend|{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|3}}}}{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|1}}}}-3000 }} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:{{#time:Y|{{#ifeq:dtstart|dtend|{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|3}}}}{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|1}}}}-3000 }} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:{{#time:Y|{{#ifeq:dtstart|dtend|{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|3}}}}{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|1}}}}-3000 }}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:{{#time:Y|{{#ifeq:dtstart|dtend|{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|3}}}}{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|1}}}}-3000 }} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:{{#time:Y|{{#ifeq:dtstart|dtend|{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|3}}}}{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|1}}}}-3000 }}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:{{#time:Y|{{#ifeq:dtstart|dtend|{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|3}}}}{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|1}}}}-3000 }}}}
}} }} }}{{#time:{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
}} }} }}"|{{#time:Y|{{#expr:1981+3000}}}}//{{#if:|-1 year, |+1 year, }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:((abs(1981))< 1900) and ({{#time:Y|1981}} >1900) | {{#ifexpr:({{#time:Y|1981}}) <2000|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1100}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+1000}} }} |{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}|{{#expr:{{#time:Y|1981}}+3000}}}}{{#ifeq:{{#time:d H:i:s|1981 }}|{{#iferror:{{#ifexpr:1981|{{#time:d}}}}|01}} 00:00:00|{{#time:-m|1981}}/-m/+1 month, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:H:i:s|1981}}|00:00:00|{{#time:-m-d|1981}}/-m-d/+1 day, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:i:s|1981}}|00:00|{{#time:-m-d H:00|1981}}/-m-dTH/+1 hour, |{{#ifeq:{{#time:s|1981}}|00|{{#time:-m-d H:i|1981}}/-m-dTH:i/+1 minute, |{{#time:-m-d H:i:s|1981}}/-m-dTH:i:s/+1 second, }}}}}}}}}}|1|2}}|{{#ifeq:dtstart|dtend|{{#titleparts:{{#ifeq:"1981"|"{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 999.5) | {{#expr:1981}} |
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{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 99.5) | 0{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} |
{{ #ifexpr: ({{#expr:1981}} > 9.5) | 00{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}} | 000{{#expr:{{#expr:1981}}}}
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| other
| #default =
}}{{#switch: solo_singer |solo_singer |non_vocal_instrumentalist |non_performing_personnel |group_or_band |classical_ensemble |temporary= |{{#ifeq:||}}}}
Natalie Gauci (born 26 November 1981) is an Australian singer of Italian and Maltese descent. Gauci undertook music tuition at the Victorian College of the Arts, formed her own band that played gigs in Melbourne, while also working as a music teacher. After an appearance on Triple J Unearthed, she successfully auditioned for the fifth series of Australian Idol in 2007 and went on to win the series.
Gauci subsequently signed a record deal with Sony BMG Australia and released her debut single "Here I Am" which reached number two on the ARIA Singles Chart and gained a gold accreditation. The single was followed by the released her debut album titled The Winner's Journey. It reached number eleven on the ARIA Albums Chart and went on to be certified platinum. In 2010, she formed an electro-pop band with producer Paul Brandoli called Tune In Tokyo, of which she is the lead singer.
Early life
Gauci studied at Emmaus College, Vermont South before studying music at the Victorian College of the Arts, and from the age of 17 began writing songs.[1][2] She performed as a session musician, and began writing and producing her debut EP, Take It or Leave It which was released in 2006.[3]
Gauci went on to form the Natalie Gauci Band with fellow Melbourne musicians. The band played soul, pop, and jazz at local pubs, clubs, weddings, and corporate functions.[2] Gauci uploaded work from Take It or Leave It to the Triple J website, and was subsequently chosen for Unearthed, earning her some radio airplay and coverage.[2][4] To help fund her work, Gauci worked as a vocals teacher at the Academy of Mary Immaculate, Fitzroy.[5]
Australian Idol
Gauci auditioned in Melbourne, Victoria and performed an original song, "Free Falling", and a rendition of Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive". Judges Ian Dickson and Mark Holden were impressed by Gauci's latter performance, with Dickson commenting "I think you can win this competition". However, Marcia Hines warned that such a comment had been "the kiss of death" for contestants in the past.[6] Gauci advanced to the next round, and continued to impress the judges, resulting in her selection in the top 24. Her performance of "Hurt" by Christina Aguilera did not gain enough votes to proceed to the top 12. However, she was selected by the judges to perform in the wildcard, an episode from which four contestants would be chosen to complete the top 12. Gauci performed "Feeling Good" by Nina Simone. She did not gain enough votes, but was selected by the judges to be the final top 12 member.[7]
Gauci progressed successfully through the top 12 knockout phase; it was not until the eighth week, with five contestants remaining, that she appeared in the bottom three—the three contestants with the lowest number of votes that week. Several of her performances earned acclaim; The Courier Mail noted her renditions of Rihanna's "Umbrella", Kate Bush's "Running Up That Hill", and Gnarls Barkley's "Crazy" as highlights.[8] Her performances of "Umbrella", Divinyls' "Boys in Town", and Ella Fitzgerald's "How High the Moon" earned "touchdowns" from Holden.[6]
Gauci and Matt Corby were the final two contestants of the top 12, and thus progressed to the grand finale. At the conclusion of every series of Australian Idol, the winner releases a single dubbed the "Winner's Single". The 2007 winner's single, "Here I Am" was written by Lindy Robbins and Tom Leonard, who had previously written for The Backstreet Boys. Gauci was critical of the song when she first heard it, professing confusion as it was written with male vocals. She thus rewrote the song to be more consistent with her style of music.[9][10] On 25 November 2007, Gauci was declared the winner of Australian Idol 2007. She became the first contestant to progress to the top 12 through a lifeline from the judges to win the competition.[11]
Australian Idol performances
Recording career
2007-2008: The Winner's Journey
Gauci performing during her Winner's Journey tour.
On 25 November 2007 Gauci released her winner's single, "Here I Am" as a digital download. It was then released as a CD single on 28 November 2007,[12] which included her original B-side track, "All in My Mind".[13] "Here I Am" debuted on the ARIA Singles Chart at number two. It was the first debut single from an Idol winner that did not reach number one in its first week. "Here I Am" sold only 7,463 copies in its first week, lower than all previous Australian Idol winners' singles thus far.[14]
Her debut album, The Winner's Journey was released on 8 December 2007.[15] Unlike Damien Leith's Winners Journey, the CD/DVD did not include Idol stage performances, but instead an interview with John Foreman and recorded versions of the songs performed during her time on Idol.[16] This drew criticism with Fremantle Media, the producers of Australian Idol, suggesting Gauci's record label Sony BMG deliberately excluded the material.[16] The album debuted on the ARIA Albums Chart at number twelve, before reaching its peak of number eleven in its second week on the chart.[17] The album only sold 11,489 copies in its first week, compared to Leith's 89,257 copies the previous year.[18] Paul Cashmere of Undercover criticised the show for its commercialism, accusing it of using Gauci as a "victim to feed the corporations and their shareholders".[18]
Sony BMG then released a second DVD titled, The Final Two on 17 December 2007.[19] It featured Idol performances by Gauci and runner-up Matt Corby.[16] In January 2008 Gauci commenced her Winner's Journey tour across Australia. She took three musicians from the Natalie Gauci Band, as well as a long time keyboard collaborator and music director.[20]
2009-present: New label and Tune In Tokyo
In August 2009 Gauci left Sony Music[21] because she felt pushed and prodded by the label.[22] In January 2010 it was revealed that Gauci had been collaborating with a prominent European record label in Germany called Sorry Shoes,[23] and released a new single titled "Without You" through the label in May 2010.[24]
Gauci has teamed up with producer Paul Brandoli to form an electro-pop band called, Tune In Tokyo.[22] As lead singer of the group, Gauci's look and sound has changed. She told the Daily Telegraph that she developed her new look and sound after hanging out in Melbourne's gay dance clubs with her musician husband Hamish Cowan.[25] Gauci explained, "That's where I came out of my shell. I didn't have anyone telling me what to do. Tune In Tokyo is just one part of what I want to do. We got a lot of feedback straight away, which was great because it gave me confidence about the project."[25] On 4 November 2010 they released their debut single "Dreamers"[26] which reached a peak of No. 3 on the ARIA Clubs Chart.[27] She also revealed that she is working on their debut album and that she will appear in a film called Big Mamma's Boy with actress Holly Valance in 2011.[22]
Personal life
In 2009 Gauci married Hamish Cowan, the lead singer of acclaimed art rock band Cordrazine.[28] She is a personal trainer for Australian Idol judge Ian "Dicko" Dickson.[29]
Studio albums
Extended plays
EP details
Take It or Leave It[3]
- Released: 2006
- Label: Independent
External links
Template:Natalie Gauci