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Marie Valerie was born on 19th July,1994. She’s from Ħal- Kirkop but she’s currently living in Fgura. Marie Valerie attended at Our Maculate School in Ħamrun, continued her studies and is now currently working at the Detention Services as a Detention Officer.

The stage name Marie Valerie came from her sister named Maria, which she unfortunately died at the age of roughly just two months due to spina bivida. At the age of just 6 years old Marie Valerie started taking modelling lessons and entering on competitions, in her heart even at a young age she always believed that modelling is something that she wanted to improve and pursue in her adult life if she could possibly could.

Alexander John Pasila and Sue Ross we’re her mentors at the time. As stated in the above paragraph, at the age of 6 along side her supportive parents. Marie Valerie entered numerous amounts of modelling competitions and along the way she earned some titles along the way such as: Mini Miss Malta (2002) – Ended up winning the competition at 1st place. Miss RGV Malta (2016) – At the end of the competition she won the title as the 1st Miss Top Fashion Model. Miss Freedom of the World (2019)– Marie Valerie previously had won the Miss Freedom of the World in Malta and had earned the privilege of representing her country at the international competition of Miss Freedom of the World.

Which at the end of the competition she won the title as the best national dress. When Marie Valerie reached 25 years old, she had made the decision to take a brief break from modelling and to shift focus more on the music industry.

She started writing songs on what experiences she’s currently going on through, the good ones and the bad ones. A few months after continuing writing songs, she contacted Cyrian Cassar, a producer at the time to look at her written songs. Cyrian liked her writing and even encouraged her to take on singing lessons so she could advance more by singing her own songs professionally, in which Marie Valerie took note of his advice and started taking singing lessons from her current Vocal Coach Maria Luana at La Loix Studios.

Currently, Marie Valerie is still writing and singing her songs, such as: Let Me Live My Life (2020) & We will never be (2021). The’s songs can be found on her YouTube channel by the name of Marie Valerie. She is very happy, hopeful and excited for the next music songs she’s planning on realising in the future.