Domino Effect
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Domino Effect is a rock band from Malta, active since 2011.
Domino Effect started off their journey in 2011, originally started off with 5 band members who shared similar interests in music. By time the music style evolved and was enough to convince themselves that they were ready to go public with their sound. Participating in the Hard Rock battle of the bands that same year, gave them a great learning experience and was a good first gig together.
After a while, Domino effect decided to give their music a slight change in direction, and adopted a more 'funk' and 'dance' feel to it. If it didn't make people tap their feet or dance to it, the song was scrapped .
The lineup currently is made out from Paul Cuschieri (vocals), Carl Borg (guitars), Kurt Meilak (Bass) & Luca Giudice (Drums).