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Band Members:
- Karl Gauci – Sampler & Synthesizer
- Bertram Cachia – Sampler & Synthesizer
- Martin Debattista – Drums & Percussion
- Keith Bunce – Guitar & Synthesizer
Veiled musicians, electronic wizardry and pulsating synth-pop. There is but one word linking all of these and that word is Crux. Behind the dark veils one finds some familiar faces with a wealth of experience and talent. Not so much a band but rather a musical collective brought together by a love for synthesised sounds. The end result is a seamless sound that all at once references the electronic vanguard of our time yet also evokes the spirit of those artists who pioneered the genre.
CRUX is a four-piece electronica project founded in 2014.
Each member of CRUX boasts his own individual musical influences, the culmination of which is their debut album entitled “Ego Vs Ego”, launched in the beginning of March 2016.
Ego vs Ego include a fresh mix of analogue and digital sounds, as well as occasional vocal arrangements which embody a unique style new to the Maltese Islands.
Karl and Bertram, are ex members of indie rock band Bridget Bone. Bertram also currently plays bass guitar with local indie band nosnow/noalps.
Martin formed part of an industrial rock band, Nicky Gravino and the Vile Bodies. Keith is an ex member of indie rock band Dance Apollo.
This is the link to the album:
External links
Ego vs Ego (2016)