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[[File: Carl Maria Artz.jpg|250px|thumb|right| Mro. Carl Maria Artz]]
[[File: Carl Maria Artz.jpg|250px|thumb|right| Mro. Carl Maria Artz]]
Mro. '''Carl Maria Artz''' was born in [[Düsseldorf]], [[Germany]] in 1887. He took his first teaching in musical arts in this city when it was still small and continued perfecting this art after also began studying the piano in [[Dresden]], [[Leipzig]] and [[Munich]].  
Mro. '''Carl Maria Artz''' twieled f’ [[Dusseldorf]], il-[[Ġermanja]] fl-1887. Ħa l-ewwel tagħlim tiegħu fl-arti mużikali f’din il-belt meta kien għadu żgħir u kompla jipperfezzjona f’din l-arti wara li beda jistudja wkoll il-pjanu fi [[Dresden]], [[Liepzig]] u [[Munich]].  

At the same time, continued to train in the composition and direction at the best professors of that time, including Felix Draesecke, friend and colleague of [[Frans Listz]] and [[Robert Wagne]].
Fl-istess ħin, kompla jitħarreġ fil-kompożizzjoni u d-direzzjoni għand l-aħjar professuri ta’ dak iż-żmien, fosthom [[Felix Draesecke]], ħabib u kollega ta’ [[Frans Listz]] u [[Robert Wagner]].

From the outset, by a considerable number of wonderful songs, compositions for piano and musica da camera Artz showed uncommon ability. True the years Artz was the most figured his best when he began to hear the syhimphony for orchestra and also with some theatrical works started composing. Endeavor in the direction figured out early, because 22 years had already directed the best orchestras syhimphony  several German cities, including those of Leipzig, Dresden and Munich.  
Sa mill-bidu nett, permezz tal-għadd ġmielu ta’ kanzunetti mill-isbaħ, kompożizzjonijiet għall-pjanu u musica da camera Artz wera ħila mhux komuni. Aktar m’għadda żmien, aktar dehret ħiltu meta bdew jinstemgħu is-sinfoniji għall-orkestra u magħhom ukoll xi opri teatrali li beda jikkomponi. Ħiltu fid-direzzjoni dehret minn kmieni, għax ta’ 22 sena kien ġa dderieġa l-aqwa orkestri sinfonici ta’ diversi bliet Ġermanizi, fosthom dawk ta’ Liepzig, Dresden u Munich.  

In 1913, at 26 years of age was appointed director of the philharmonic orchestra famous capital Berlin, where he stayed with until 1919. To this directed orchestra in top syhimphony  [[Richard Strauss]]: the Alpensinfonie and the Zarathustra. The Duke of Edinburgh Band achieved great successes under the leadership of this clever Head.  
Fl-1913, ta’ 26 sena inħatar direttur tal-famuża orkestra filarmonika tal-kapitali [[Berlin]], fejn baqa’ magħha sa l-1919. Lil din l-orkestra dderiġieha fl-aqwa sinfoniji ta’ [[Richard Strauss]]: l-Alpensinfonie u ż-Zarathustra. Il-Banda Duke of Edinburgh kisbet suċċessi kbar taħt it-tmexxija ta’ dan il-bravu Surmast.
Huwa miet ta’ 76 sena f’Berlin fil-21 ta’ Lulju 1963.

He died in Berlin on 21 July 1963 at the aged of 76.

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Mro. Carl Maria Artz

Mro. Carl Maria Artz twieled f’ Dusseldorf, il-Ġermanja fl-1887. Ħa l-ewwel tagħlim tiegħu fl-arti mużikali f’din il-belt meta kien għadu żgħir u kompla jipperfezzjona f’din l-arti wara li beda jistudja wkoll il-pjanu fi Dresden, Liepzig u Munich.

Fl-istess ħin, kompla jitħarreġ fil-kompożizzjoni u d-direzzjoni għand l-aħjar professuri ta’ dak iż-żmien, fosthom Felix Draesecke, ħabib u kollega ta’ Frans Listz u Robert Wagner.

Sa mill-bidu nett, permezz tal-għadd ġmielu ta’ kanzunetti mill-isbaħ, kompożizzjonijiet għall-pjanu u musica da camera Artz wera ħila mhux komuni. Aktar m’għadda żmien, aktar dehret ħiltu meta bdew jinstemgħu is-sinfoniji għall-orkestra u magħhom ukoll xi opri teatrali li beda jikkomponi. Ħiltu fid-direzzjoni dehret minn kmieni, għax ta’ 22 sena kien ġa dderieġa l-aqwa orkestri sinfonici ta’ diversi bliet Ġermanizi, fosthom dawk ta’ Liepzig, Dresden u Munich.

Fl-1913, ta’ 26 sena inħatar direttur tal-famuża orkestra filarmonika tal-kapitali Berlin, fejn baqa’ magħha sa l-1919. Lil din l-orkestra dderiġieha fl-aqwa sinfoniji ta’ Richard Strauss: l-Alpensinfonie u ż-Zarathustra. Il-Banda Duke of Edinburgh kisbet suċċessi kbar taħt it-tmexxija ta’ dan il-bravu Surmast.

Huwa miet ta’ 76 sena f’Berlin fil-21 ta’ Lulju 1963.