Brendan Jackson
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Brendan Jackson born on 20 October, 1979 at St Paul’s Bay.
He is a veteran musician in the local music scene. His first band, which he started at the age of 19, Scream Daisy which he co-founded was immediately successful and for the best part of 5 years in the early 2000’s they were regarded as the best band in Malta. Their debut single Room 7 was an instant hit all over Malta and the other singles from the album In case of emergency helped the album sell well over 4000 copies, quite a feat in those days.
The band went on to win many awards and garnered many nominations at local award ceremonies. Jackson was the guitarist and songwriter in this hugely popular group.
Jackson quit the band after 5 years and in early 2006 formed another hugely successful band, Eve Ransom. This time he took up the duties of main vocalist, apart from playing the guitar and again taking up song-writing duties. The band was a grittier, heavier version of Scream Daisy but with Jackson’s trademark catchy choruses, and the band enjoyed a lot of airplay and many nominations at local awards, again quite a feat considering their heavy style. The peak of Eve Ransom was a great gig in Germany and coming 13th out of 4000 international bands in an online competition for unsigned bands.
Jackson took two years off from music in 2012 only to return with his current outfit. Forty Days of Rain is a new name on the local circuit but their debut release Strings left to fray has already caused a stir on the Maltese airwaves. Jackson has once again taken up main vocal duties as well as guitar in this band formed of prolific musicians.