2010: Year in Review

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The most prominent events in 2010 are gathered through a brief outline on this page and subsequent links to related sections.
2010 will be remembered for the death of a former president and the large number of victims from fireworks factory explosions, as well as the start of the hot debate on the introduction of divorce in Malta overshadowing Pope Benedict XVI's visit in April.
This page has day by day Malta news updates featuring the most prominent news item of the day as featured on the MaltaMedia Online News service during 2010. Links indicating VIDEO contain a news clip in Maltese, as it appeared on television that day on Favourite Channel.
M3P was launched in September 2010 to facilitate the creation of a collaborative multimedia database of Maltese music and associated arts. Much of what appeared on this website in the first few months of its existance, relates directly to Music. This includes several features, interviews and reviews that have appeared in newspapers and elsewhere, as well as specific pages about major annual events.
- Bay Music Awards 2010
- L-Għanja tal-Poplu 2010
- Malta Music Awards 2010
- MMI 2010 Listeners' Picks Poll
See also
- Another Year Over... - 2010 Music Review by Michael Bugeja (Sunday 26 December 2010 - The Sunday Times of Malta)
M3P remembers a number of people who passed away during 2010. Their lives made a significant impact on the Maltese way of life. A list of departed personalities with connections to Maltese culture (in the broadest sense of the word) can be found here.